

by Architect Ninni Juchault des Jamonières




"I have always been interested in old things, either if it's architecture, furniture, details or small objects from all over the world.

This reflects my way of how I see architecture and my personal design process.


Living in a modern world doesn't mean that we should forget our history and the surrounding context when we are creating new architecture. It is possible to preserve historical architecture and adapt it to modern life without losing its authenticity.


How and why is something beautiful? Real architecture is much more than just good taste and fulfilling practical needs. It is something much deeper that needs careful reflections and analyses. Keeping attention to its history helps you to create a durable design that pleases many eyes for a long time to come.


My creative process often starts with a detail or a feeling that I got from the site, its history or ideas I get from a client’s needs.
During large parts of my life I have been living abroad (France, Switzerland, Italy and England). The experience of working with people of different nationalities and my many travels around the world, have enriched my life and taught me many ways of approaching architecture. I try to avoid referencing "trendy" existing design or architecture, to force a process that leads to discovering new design solutions, shapes, finishes and textures, where local architecture, craftsmanship and nature can influence my work."



Important design statements

Create beautiful long-lasting architecture by closely studying propositions, existing architecture and local traditions.

The word contrast(s) can be found in almost all beauty in the world: light/shadow, soft/hard, smooth/rough, open/closed, void/solid, small/big, old/new, private/public and so on....  Contrasts should therefore appear in all designs.


Multiple uses and purposes shall be found in every element of a design.   


Never underestimate the importance of the garden which is today very often forgotten.


 As we spend time both outside and inside the house, exterior and interior architecture are of the same value.

It is the role of the architect to be a part of them both.


Always adapt the architecture to the client’s profile by carefully analysing their lifestyle, dreams, needs and budget.